Our web server does not compile the e-mail addresses of visitors to barrphotographics.com.
barrphotographics.com collects the following data:
1) e-mail addresses of those who communicate with us via e-mail,
2) aggregate information on what pages visitors access or visit and information volunteered by the visitor, such as survey information and/or site registrations,
3) the domain name (but not email addresses) of visitors to our web pages, and
4) the URL of the site which referred you to barrphotographics.com (for example, if you found us through a search engine, the name of search engine will likely be collected by our site server).
The information we collect is used for internal review, used to improve the content of our web site, and used to customize the content and/or layout of our pages for each individual visitor or member.
You may receive periodic mailings from us with information on new services or upcoming events.
If you wish to not receive e-mail from us in the future, please let us know by sending e-mail to us at the "reply" address telling us that you do not wish to receive e-mail from barrphotographics.com.
No e-mail information is compiled for use by third parties.