Corner Gallery/Feature Artist
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Corner Gallery/Feature Artist


Tony Peren


"Strange Connection Between Humans and Nature"

 Oil Paintings on Canvas


Tony Peren

Images shown in The Corner Gallery are the feature exhibit and available for purchase

in The Gallery @ Barr Photographics brick and mortar location, 203 West Main St, Abingdon VA.

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"Strange Connection"

"Humans and Nature"







Tony Peren

The Gallery @ Barr Photographics announces the inaugural installment for the 2025 Columns Gallery feature artist exhibition schedule, at 203 W. Main St. in Abingdon, VA. with a collection of oil paintings by Glade Spring, VA artist Tony  Peren entitled “The Strange Connection Between Humans and Nature”.

In his biographical sketch Tony reveals, “I am originally from a small town called San Juan Comalapa in Guatemala. It is about 2 hours from Guatemala City. The town is widely known for a collection of colorful murals that reflect the traditions and values of life in the community. The collection is created by painters with emerging careers. Comalapa also has a variety of small art galleries, which are owned by many families united by the creativity they inherited. Many artists are recognized for their naïve fine art, or primitive styles”.

Tony also reveals in his artist statement, “My family is like many families that have legacies of painting. From my grandfather, Oscar Perén, to my uncles Edgar Perén and Roberto Perén, to my father Orlando Perén, as well as to my cousins;  all follow the legacy of painting. Each generation continues the themes, but with different interpretations. For example, Oscar Perén would paint Andrés Curruchich while my uncle Roberto would paint a dandelion to represent Andrés Curruchich with the seeds representing his legacy. And I have another interpretation as well.

For these notions of life, in my home there have always existed art materials, and this is why since I was little, I was interested in textures and color. Over the years, I have continued to shape my paintings and improve my techniques through classes I have taken. There is a small active gallery where more than 200 works of different sizes and themes are on display. I completed these works during three years of study in Guatemala, with the support of my family.”


"The Strange Connection Between Humans and Nature” will be celebrated with a reception and art demonstration by Tony  Peren, to which the public is cordially invited, on Saturday, 08 February from 2 - 6:00 PM in The Gallery @ Barr Photographics, 203 W. Main Street, Abingdon, Virginia. "The Strange Connection Between Humans and Nature” will hang, and be offered for sale, through 31, March 2025.  


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The Gallery @ Barr Photographics
Phone: (276) 628-1486
203 W Main St • Abingdon, VA. 24210
All images and contents are copyright protected by The Gallery @ Barr Photographics LLC and the artists represented herein.
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